サウンドオブミュージック(596) —————————【596】————————————————— And now, to my shame, I sat down on a stone, watchinghim completely pack and unpack for the next ten minites,going through all procedure patiently once more, consider-…
サウンドオブミュージック(595) —————————【595】————————————————— For heaven's sake, I must not let him shave, and,“Peter !”I wailed, rising behind my stone, “Peter !”not knowing yet what else to say. He gave me the clue.“What's the …
サウンドオブミュージック(594) —————————【594】———————————————— “...twelve, thirteen, fourteen ...” Merely by listening I was informed that the book suggested, at least on Wednesday, twenty strokes. I was spellbound and almost…
サウンドオブミュージック(593) —————————【593】———————————————— Then Peter stepped back and, after an approving glance, nodded. It was good. But it became morebreath-taking than that. Sitting down on a low stone.Peter took that leat…
サウンドオブミュージック(592) —————————【592】———————————————— Then he opened the second leather case, which obviously contained washing and bathing utensils,soap for salt water, talcum powder, etc. All thiswas arranged in rectangu…
サウンドオブミュージック(591) —————————【591】———————————————— I didn't even know yet, myself, how I would do it. For the time being, I was perfectly enraptured by what I saw: Lovingly Peter spread the different towels over flatst…
サウンドオブミュージック(590) —————————【590】———————————————— I changed into my bathingsuit and made myself at home in the cove next to him, watching him from behind a stone. It was awful, but what could I do ?. It was myorder of …
サウンドオブミュージック(589) —————————【589】———————————————— Laden with two sizeable leather cases, several towelsand smaller boxes, he descended into one of those little bays, of which there were eight or ten next to each other.…
サウンドオブミュージック(588) —————————【588】———————————————— The next morning I watched Peter to see what he wasgoing to do after breakfast, and soon discovered that he was going to have his morning shave in peace and quiet. ————…
サウンドオブミュージック(587) —————————【587】—————————————— To the passionate pleading of his children he onlyshook his head sadly. Georg and I had a council of war. It was finally agreed that I was to take care of Peter every mor…
サウンドオブミュージック(586) —————————【586】———————————————— Upon investigation I learned that the Handbook advisednot leaving land if: (a) the wind comes from the land,(b) cumulo-nimbus clouds are forming on the horizon,(c) dur…
サウンドオブミュージック(585) —————————【585】———————————————— Then we met for morning prayer and breakfast. After that little groups formed for fishing or swimming,paddling, sailing, or just strolling around. After afew days we no…
サウンドオブミュージック(584) —————————【584】———————————————— At first, everybody was radiantly happy. Georg, who was the supreme commander, assigned the duties, suchas cooking, getting the fresh water from the cistern upyonder, w…
サウンドオブミュージック(583) —————————【583】———————————————— Our little tent city was erected on the east side of the island, where it slopes gently down to the water, but every day we went up to the cliffs, watching the surf or …
サウンドオブミュージック(582) —————————【582】———————————————— “ Varra, varra !”he repeated many times cluckinghis tongue.(This means “What do you know about that !”) ——————————(訳)————————————————— 「ヴァッラ、ヴァッラ!」彼は何…
サウンドオブミュージック(581) —————————【581】———————————————— Signor Pauletta, who owned a couple of pots and pans, a Sunday suit, and fishing tackle, was deeply impressed. ——————————(訳)————————————————— ポーレッタ氏は若干の鍋…
サウンドオブミュージック(580) —————————【580】———————————————— At this moment our host came down from his stony hermitage to greet his guests. His eyes grew biggerand bigger when he saw that fancy display of whatmodern people , acc…
サウンドオブミュージック(579) —————————【578】—————————————————— He had invited us to come and camp on Veruda, andnow——here we are. ——————————(訳)——————————————————— そしてこの彼の父、退役海軍将校こそが私たちをヴェルーダのキャン…
サウンドオブミュージック(578) —————————【578】—————————————————— He had a couple of rooms in the old monastery, and there he lived now as his island's only inhabitant,very contentedly on fish he caught and vegetablesand fruit he pl…
サウンドオブミュージック(577)訂正バージョン すみません、訂正バージョンです.よろしくお願いします.—————————【577】—————————————————— They had lived a while in Trieste and until 1918, in Pola.He* also knew Signor Paulette, who had o…
サウンドオブミュージック(577) —————————【577】—————————————————— They had lived a while in Trieste and until 1918, in Pola.He also knew Signor Paulette, who had owned a largehardware store in Pola before the war and afterwards acqu…
サウンドオブミュージック(576) —————————【576】—————————————————— Georg had known Veruda since his boyhood days. He hadbeen born in Zara, half-way down the Dalmatian coast, intothe family of an Austrian Navy officer. ——————————(訳…
サウンドオブミュージック(575) —————————【575】—————————————————— The old walls were overgrown with honeysuckle, wild roses, oleander and laurel. A walk through this little paradise in the full moonlight was heavenly. ——————————(訳…
サウンドオブミュージック(574) —————————【574】—————————————————— The monks had planted a garden with medical herbs. Longafter the Fathers had been driven away by Napoleon, the herbs had spread all over the land, and during the hot …
サウンドオブミュージック(573) —————————【573】—————————————————— The sea had eaten deep into its shoreline, forming manylittle bays as big as a large room. One part of the island, about fifty acres, was covered with dense pine grov…
日記:9月9日(金) コロナで仕事がなくなってから、もう2年半になります. その間、ぼけっとしている時間がもったいない、という ので、ブログ日記で語学学習を始めました. そのうち、不思議にも、本日まで、お蔵入りせず、 無事2年半、続けられた学習科…
サウンドオブミュージック(572) —————————【572】—————————————————— Veruda is one of the many islands off the shore of Istriaand Dalmatia. On one side it emerges gently out of the sea,rises gradually to about 150 or 200 feet, and ends…
サウンドオブミュージック(571) —————————【571】—————————————————— The highlight, when the storm was over, was the unpackingof the big boxes. Looking back on it, I can only compare itwith the Boy Scout Department at a big store. Bran…
読者各位 お詫びと修正のお知らせ: 570番は未完成のまま送信してしまい、 すみません.今加筆修正し再送信しました. すみません.よろしくお願いします.
pro に復活しましたので、他の科目も当面学習可です. よろしくお願いします. 学習者各位 今回がんばって課金に踏み切りました. pro に復活しましたので、他の科目も当面学習可です. よろしくお願いします. 学習スケジュールは目安です. 私が「ぐーたら…