



サウンドオブミュージック(406) ———————————【406】———————————————— Running over* to me as I stood on a ladder washing a bigcrystal chandelier, they yelled from afar : " Father says he doesn't know whether you like him at all ! " ————…


サウンドオブミュージック(405) ———————————【405】————————————— The next morning I started spring cleaning. Under my direction the maids were taking down the curtains and proceeding to brush the walls, when I saw the three youngest c…


サウンドオブミュージック(404) ————————————【404】——————————————— One night I tenderly consulted my private calendar, " timeeaters " we had called them at school, and it showed onlythirteen more days in exile. ————————————(訳)————…


サウンドオブミュージック(403) ———————————【403】————————————— What was worse, I couldn't make out what had happened.He didn't look engaged, to me, at least, not according to my conception of a happily engaged man. But there was som…