



サウンドオブミュージック(47) —————————【47】—————————————— At this very moment I remembered the story of the Mutiny on the Bounty, a silent picture which I had seen just before I entered the convent, and which had haunted my nights f…


サウンドオブミュージック(46) —————————【46】—————————————— At the same time I felt a certain awe creeping into my heart, because surely he would shout a lot, as sea captains are supposed to be very gruff. ——————————(訳)————————————…


読者各位 伝言版:夏休みをするので、10日間、契約を遅延いたします. 今回は、7月16日~8月16日までの利用でした. はてなブログPro利用状況 利用開始日: 2021-07-16更新予定日: 2021-08-16ポイント残額: 0 休みをする予定期間は 8月17日~8月…


サウンドオブミュージック(45) —————————【45】—————————————— "I guess he is an elderly man with a bushy, grey, beard, red cheeks, and sharp, blue eyes," I thought to myself. " Most probably he chews tobacco and spits. If he is a captai…


サウンドオブミュージック(44) ——————————【44】—————————————— What was to come next?My eyes fell on the crumpled piece of paper in myhand, and I read again, "Captain von Trapp." That made me wonder.I had never been at the seashore, nor…


サウンドオブミュージック(43) ——————————【43】—————————————— On the Residenzplatz I learned that the next bus was due inhalf an hour and so, a little breathless from running, thereI was now sitting on one of the green benches.I felt q…


サウンドオブミュージック(42) ——————————【42】—————————————— Where I was to go—for heaven's sake—I had to reach the bus; and down I went the hundred and forty-four steps, two at a time, forgetting already the very recent admonitions. …


サウンドオブミュージック ——————————【41】—————————————— I was still higher than the steeples of the churches.I looked over the quaint old Grabendächer ("ditch roofs," a roof constructionfrequently used on old houses in Salzburg), followe…


サウンドオブミュージック(40) ——————————【40】——————————————— Here I paused for a few moments, looking over the railing into the deep valley from which the rock rose steeply for almost three hundred feet, down where the houses of Salz…


サウンドオブミュージック(39) ——————————【39】——————————————— Where this foundation seemed to grow out of the rock a little terrace had been cut into the stone.. ——————————(訳)————————————— この城壁の基礎部分は岩が成長したようにみえ…


サウンドオブミュージック(38) ——————————【38】——————————————— Then I was on the road that led down the hill on which Saint Erentrudishad built her castle of God in the eighth century.And a castle it was, built on solid rock, with its …


伝言版 1:従来の通訳ガイド日記は 「山田 錦の通訳ガイド日記」に移動 2:ここ、メインブログを英語学習ページにしました. 「サウンドオブミュージック」講読学習 3:「さすらいの青春」 フランス語学習ページ 4:「アルトハイデルベルク」 ドイツ語学…


サウンドオブミュージック(37) ——————————【37】——————————————— When I stepped from the cool archway into the centuries-old graveyard, my eyes, half-blinded by tears and the bright sunshine, fell upon the inscription on a weathered grav…


サウンドオブミュージック(36) ——————————【36】——————————————— Then the old oaken door opened with a cranky squeak, unwilling, it seemed to me, to let the youngest child of Nonnberg to go backinto a world from which it would rather hav…


サウンドオブミュージック(35) ——————————【35】——————————————— A few more words, a final blessing, and for the last timemy fingers dipped into the pewter holy water front.For a few moments I knelt at the choir grate, looking down tothe…


サウンドオブミュージック(34) ——————————【34】——————————————— How happy I had been there, and how long it would be until I should be back; but " Thy Will Be Done" was painted infaded, old-fashioned letters over the door on the whitewa…


サウンドオブミュージック(33) ——————————【33】——————————————— While Frau Rafaela bent over a little scrap of paper to write down the name of the place where I was to go, I took in with one last glance the picture of the large, oblong …


サウンドオブミュージック(32) —————————————【32】——————————————— My heart ached when I had to bid farewell to the other threeyoung candidates with whom I had shared the big, lofty room overlooking the green valley of the Salzach River…


サウンドオブミュージック(31) —————————————【31】——————————————— Then came a few instruction: On my day off I should always come back to the convent; I should remember the doctor's advice to get enough sleep and exercise — but moderat…


サウンドオブミュージック(30) —————————————【30】——————————————— As she stepped back a little, her eyes wandered from the hat down to the blue dress, on to the black stockings and heavy, black shoes.She nodded approvingly. "Very nice …


サウンドオブミュージック(29) Next came a leather hat, which looked exactly like a fireman's helmet. It went right down to my brow, and I had to give it a little push whenI wanted to see Frau Rafaela, who just said: "Now let me look at …


サウンドオブミュージック(28) —————————————【28】——————————————— She chose one dress and, obediently, I put on an old-fashioned blue serge gown with funny latticework around the neck and sleeves. I put it on three times, because I cou…


サウンドオブミュージック(27) —————————————【27】——————————————— I could see that Frau Rafaela felt embarrassed. She looked a little helplessly at the clothes on her arm, which had belonged to another novice who was a little shorter a…


サウンドオブミュージック(26) —————————————【26】——————————————— My own clothes had been given away during the year to someneedy persons after the Chapter rmeeting had decided I was to beadmitted for reception. —————————————(訳)————…


サウンドオブミュージック —————————————【25】——————————————— After I had come back from Reverend Mother Abbess, my Mistress of Novices, Frau Rafaela, was already waiting for me in the candidates' room, her arms full of clothing.When I had…


サウンドオブミュージック(24) —————————————【24】——————————————— I was still bewildered, everything had happened so fast.I tried to review the last few hours, which had passed like a bad dream. —————————————(訳)——————————————— いろ…


サウンドオブミュージック(23) —————————————【23】——————————————— It had accompanied me everywhere, on all the many trips and hikesthrough the Alps, up to the holly hill of Nonnberg.And now it went with me into exile. —————————————(訳…


サウンドオブミュージック(22) —————————————【22】——————————————— Under my arm was pressed the neck of my guitar.Years back, when I had started to work my waythrough college, I had bought it with my first self-earned money. ———————————…


サウンドオブミュージック(21) —————————————【21】——————————————— One hand was clasped tightly around a piece of paper which said: "Captain Georg von Trapp, Villa Trapp, Aigen bei Salzburg"; the other one held the handle of an old-fash…


サウンドオブミュージック(20) —————————【20】————————————————— I couldn't utter a single word. "Now then, go and do it, and whole-heartedly, too." That was all.A few hours later I was seated on one of the green benches under the old c…