サウンドオブミュージック(731) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【731】—————————————— We bought a scrapbook and pasted in thecriticisms from Vienna and Salzburg and thepicture of Lotte Lehmann and us. Then weput the contracts, to which one f…
サウンドオブミュージック(730) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【730】—————————————— In the first row sat Lotte Lehmann withher husband ! During the intermission peoplestormed backstage, and at end of the concertmanagers came from nearly eve…
サウンドオブミュージック(729) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【729】—————————————— It was the dream of every artist in theworld to be allowed to give a concert duringthe Salzburg Festivals. But there were somany sopranos and basses, tenor…
サウンドオブミュージック(728) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【728】—————————————— Slowly, slowly, Georg lost that feeling thathe was sitting in a dentist's chair while helistened to his family; and when somebody said, “ You really should…
サウンドオブミュージック(727) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【727】—————————————— And so had the audience. A little bit ina daze, a little embarrased, a little bashful, and already a little proud, we received con-gratulations afterwards …
サウンドオブミュージック(726) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【726】—————————————— The whole Press had turned out; and duringintermission, as they were there already, theycasually looked into the small hall to see what was going on. The …
サウンドオブミュージック(725) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【725】—————————————— All those people couldn't possibly have comefor us ! No, they hadn't. There was a sen-sational attraction, a guest from far-away Ame-rica, a world-famous N…
サウンドオブミュージック(724) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【724】—————————————— On the appointed day we arrived at theancient building which housed the large, themedium, and the small auditoriums. Rows and rows of cars were parked outs…
サウンドオブミュージック(723) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【723】—————————————— Now our singing evenings at home turnedinto rehearsals, our hobby a profession. .—————————(訳)——————————————— 今や自宅での私たちの歌の夕べhが、リハーサ…
サウンドオブミュージック(722) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【722】—————————————— I noticed a gentleman talking enthusiasticallywith my husband and Father Wasner, cham-pagne glass in hand. Was it the champagne ?Never shall I know, but I l…
サウンドオブミュージック(721) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【721】—————————————— What could we possibly say against it ?There was nothing wrong, not even undignfied.With the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, wewould be in the best company. …
サウンドオブミュージック(720) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【720】—————————————— And again we went through the sameagonising procedure to find out what wasthe Will of God in a situation where ourown wishes and likings pointed sharply in …
サウンドオブミュージック(719) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【719】———————————————— “ That doesn't mean that we have to accept, doesn't it ? ”and he looked pleadinglyat me. “ Of course not,”I wanted to say.But I said, “ I don't know.” .…
サウンドオブミュージック(718) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【718】———————————————— One doesn't get a letter from a Chancellorevery day. A deep silence followed, after Georg had read the letter aloud. A painedexpression came over his fa…
学習番外「伝言板」 学習仲間各位 ひさびさに全10教室オープンしました. 膝関節を痛めて以来、通訳ガイドは引退し、 現在、年金だけの窮乏生活をしております. よって、たまにしか10教室を開けられず まことに申し訳ないしだいです. とりあえずは、5…
サウンドオブミュージック(717) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【717】———————————————— And out of the enthusiasm of the moment,he sat down and wrote to that Trapp Fam-ily in Salzburg. .—————————(訳)————————————————— そのラジオを聴いたとき…
サウンドオブミュージック(716) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【716】———————————————— For the entertainment he had engaged theVienna Philharmonic Orchestra, and ever since,had looked for another artist, something outof the ordinary. Now he…
サウンドオブミュージック(715) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【715】———————————————— He had never heard any of their selectionbefore, but ardent music lover that he was,he was entranced by this beautiful music.A thought flasdhed through h…
サウンドオブミュージック(714) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【714】———————————————— Kurt von Schuschnigg, Chancellor of theAustrian Republic, was a very busy man. He rarely had time to spend with his radio.Once in a great while he turne…
サウンドオブミュージック(713) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【713】———————————————— That didn't seem enough reason, even Georgsaid with a deep sigh; and to our own astonishment, we found ourselves on Saturdayat four o'clock at the studio…
サウンドオブミュージック(712) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【712】———————————————— We had to admit that there was a absolutely nothing wrong about singing over the air;the opportunity had been brought to us fromthe outside; our music m…
サウンドオブミュージック(711) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 ————————【711】———————————————— Of course, we wouldn't go. We had saidwe'd never sing in public. During lunch Icasually mentioned the call at our table. “ You said no, didn't you ? ” …
サウンドオブミュージック(710) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 —————————【710】———————————————— “ Please be up at the Mönchsberg next Saturday at four o'clock.Thank you.”Andhe hung up. It didn't even occur to himthat somebody might perhaps declin…
サウンドオブミュージック(709) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 —————————【709】———————————————— A few days later a telephone call came from the Salzburg radio station. It was like a stonethrown into a quiety lake. The manager had heartd us at the …
サウンドオブミュージック(708) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 —————————【708】———————————————— Carrying out the doctrine of the Will of God,I and my family with me, while living in the world, never became wholly a part of the world; and here I cam…
サウンドオブミュージック(707) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 —————————【707】———————————————— Years before, I had torn myself away fromthis beloved spot with so much heartache, but in a way I had never altogether left. .——————————(訳)——————————…
サウンドオブミュージック(706) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 —————————【706】———————————————— ————— XII. From Hooby to Profession ——————————— The summer with its excitements had passed, and the family had settled down again into routine life. It…
学習仲間各位 伝言板:pro 解約しましたので、第2,3,4,5,6,7,8 教室の入室はあと10日だけになりました.また第1、9、10教室にアクセスがふえましたら復活させますので しばらくお休みさせていただきます.よろしくお願いいたします. elegance555 より
サウンドオブミュージック(705) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 —————————【705】———————————————— He had left in despair. Success or no success ——the whole thing was a nightmare to him. It pained him bitterly to see his family on a stage,and only th…
サウンドオブミュージック(704) 𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓞𝓕 𝓜𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓒 —————————【704】———————————————— We had then to go on the stage once more and receive our prize, a diploma signed by the Governor of Salzburg. More applause, more shaking of hands, smile…